Heart Problems

Heart Problems

Stress causes heart problems
It has long been known that stress causes atherosclerosis. But why and what actually happens in the body? A thesis from the Sahlgrenska Academy is approaching the answer.

Research has shown that psychosocial stress - like problems with colleagues, bullying or poor managers - causes cardiovascular disease. But you do not know exactly why this happens. A new thesis at the Sahlgrenska Academy is approaching the answer to that question.

The researchers have studied mice that are genetically conditioned to get atherosclerosis. When they exposed the mice to psychosocial stress by interfering with their social environment, the insertion of cholesterol into their blood vessels increased. But it did not happen when they were subjected to stress in the form of physical activity.

The stress the mice were exposed to increased levels in their blood of substances showing inflammation. Such so-called inflammation markers accelerate the development of atherosclerosis.

According to the researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, there is an increased adrenaline supplementation in the body that is behind both the inflammation and increased pulse. But a medicine that is often used for example against high blood pressure, so-called beta blockers, prevented that process in the researchers' attempts.

Not controlled by the will
The effect of the beta blockers is, according to the thesis, a sign that the sympathetic nervous system, which is activated during stress and is not controlled by the will, is important in the development of atherosclerosis. The sympathetic nervous system raises the heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar. Much indicates that the results also apply to people, but more research is needed.

The studies indicate that social stress that activates the immune system is also the kind of stress that can lead to the development of atherosclerosis. However, if our results of studies on genetically modified mice lead to the same effects in humans, then it must be confirmed. Possible beta blockers may, to some extent, prevent this stress from leading to atherosclerosis.

This is what Evelina Bernberg, a researcher at the Department of Molecular and Clinical Medicine at the Sahlgrenska Academy, says in a press statement.

Facts: Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis diseases such as heart attack and stroke are estimated to cause up to half of all deaths in Sweden.
Atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis) means that harmful fat - cholesterol - sticks to the walls of the blood vessels. It causes, among other things, myocardial infarction, stroke and angina.
The fat stored on the walls of the blood vessels leads to inflammation, and so-called plaque, hardening of fat and lime, is formed. The plaque can clog the blood vessels and also come loose.

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