21 Foods That Are Clinically Proven To Clean Your Arteries

Heart disease there's the number one killer in the world killing more people

each year that all the other diseases and cancers

find i bigger and make a short video about the twenty one best foods that are clinically proven to help clean your arteries

improves your blood flown circulation and help you about a heart attack or stroke however

before i continue if you haven't already please make sure you some swept away you to channel right now while is fresh in your mind

because i've got some very important videos coming out to you about similar heart health up

[COUGH] and i don't want to miss out so let's get started and very personal is turmeric

now a third is when the arteries hard and which is caused by inflammation now a yellow space known as turmeric contains

an active ingredient culture human which reduces information and the arteries and this in terms

and it helps and poo blood flow the next one is common granted now foods

which with a antioxidants improve the walls of the arteries harming granted is especially heart friendly due to the presence of phytochemicals that are powerful anti on us now

we it increases the production of nitric oxide as well which improves blood flow

and expressions of the arteries next lee have broccoli now broccoli is a good swords of proteins for vegetarians broccoli also contains about in can which is ben

[UM] for bone formation you see voting cales that protects the armories from damage by taking cholesterol all of your blood and putting into the bones were they should be

the signs my home in cape broccoli is also rich and fiber which can help lower cholesterol and high blood

treasure next we have fatty fish now see who does beneficial on various levels mental health brain health vision building muscles that also acts as a vote

and anti inflammatory now one of the reasons for all of these benefits is the high levels of

make of three fatty acids which protects your art enclosure

and littered levels and lowers triglyceride levels and

the best fishes wildcats salmon makes we have nuts

immense walnuts hazelnuts or heart friend limits have these nets continue

the which can protect the walls of the arteries and that's also contain fiber that also helps reduce classed role in your blood however the best heart health and that is probably won't because they're also high aid omega three fans

and it's we have maja ones century facts war was

[SMACK] really all of a macadamia and the oil now olive oil is known to have several health of its but it's one of the most soils to prevent the buildup of cluster own your blood

now to be serious cholesterol of work and also help reduce high blood pressure all boils

becomes under the model and saturate and some of the polyunsaturated facts which you're both man official factor your money

all is also contain powerful poly finals what thing to do is doing

not cook with olive oil and doesn't do well so they're just kind of all

now another monument sectors that which is similar to

global is macadamia not oil now it's also very hard for

them into the benefits is that you can actually heat this

oil when you cannot with the olive oil so you can heat macadamia in that

well actually have cinema in as many benefits now the first is that it lowers that's in your blood which health prevent blockages and your vessels additionally

helps your blood should levels most people don't know but

sugar and insulin crows the lining of your vessels blood vessels and arteries

which makes them weaker next we have

orange juice now launches are great because they're high end vitamin c which

close lower the stress hormone cortisol now this is important because it also helped reduce information additionally oranges contain a fiber

called pack him which helps lower cholesterol levels and also improves blood flow

next we have t not she has many help [UH] especially for heart now one of the best is green tea because it helps improve your money

thousand which can help you lose way which is always been a fish

so for your heart green tea also contains antioxidants so just polio

girls which can help strength thing the arterial walls and also do

use blood clots now we have water known

a watermelon contains an amino acid called schooling which helps increased nitric oxide levels this relax is and dilates blood vessels and his helps improve blood flow and circulation

max blue is spinning jets spin it contains carotene which helps prevent cholesterol from getting clowning yard is spinning can also help reduce high blood pressure which is another bonus another fruit is

tomatoes like partly granted and he tomatoes also contain antioxidants that protects the

you're waltz now on tomatoes lycopene

1 comment:

  1. Greek Ritual REVERSES Diabetes (do this before bed)


    Before you go to bed tonight, do this ONE “stupidly simple” Greek ritual to reverse your diabetes…

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    => ONE Bed-Time Greek Ritual To Reverse Diabetes

    Cathy reversed her diabetes and lost 56lbs with this ritual...

    Nicholas lost 28lbs and reversed his diabetes with this ritual...

    Now its your turn.


    Ginger McKay

    PS. This diabetes-reversing trick was previously known ONLY to the inhabitants of a small, barely populated Greek island, 4800 miles from home… check it out here.


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